Thursday, 13 June 2013

Atom 35: Why DID isn't there?

Innumerable times the rhetoric message needs to be transcended to differing stakeholders internally and externally., wasting energy and endless discussions ending to be a quagmire of "looping dialogue syndrome". We create artefacts that holds research, analysis and stream of wire-flows or visual mocks. But I overlooked at this deliverable and calling it as "line of fire", ready to bombard, dumb-stuck and transitioning high-energy people out of the board room (serious power-movers, aren't these designers). Wish that was ain't an aggressive or over-optimistic piece of thought.

The missing puzzle of more so time is a binding wire that ties all the core heavy stuff. I call this the Design Intent Document (DID), which explains the design doodles, concept, key highlights, USPs, business thinking components, stats, evidences, analysis, metaphors, quotes, building blocks, constraints that addresses interest of business, technical & marketing folks.

Do we been doing this earlier? Fairly, most of these disjointed elements have not been a ready-use document or viewer, though its nice to be something like a BRD that is durable in longevity - alias a source guide. An affordable record, that suggest what designer been thinking and the evolution process starting from day one. It is a historic archive that is single reference point where it builds a neat story of the journey.I believe we been vastly orally demonstrating these key areas to various people at varied timeline, and not driving the DID as a base to build specific conversations. 

Selling is one effective way on building this DID for the customers, but DID quintessentially aids folks behind the development engine to adhere the concept and imbibe design language.,also when the designer moved out of the existing project. DID will help to leverage the design thought process uniformly whosoever wishes to improve or add additional elements on scalability grounds. Our style guide lays branding or specification detail, but rather it never speaks on the "Why" and only relates "What" needs to be done, Let the following team know the "Why" or best "Behind the camera" of a production unit. Without a DID the strategical view points are never addressed, and it is just assumed to an Elephant in the room scenario!

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