Monday, 5 August 2013

Atom 44: Stuck Passively?

Its been some time now rather more than 5 years that treading through the UX domain - plethora of changes had swiftly changed the way we adopt,engage and deliver goods. I remember where it was more of one device that we been looked to address upon with a less noises to turn around! In an evolving and rapid ever growing technology field - You been standing still? or Moved a little?, Guess Quick; need to cover up the miles before left in obsolete.

But I am not talking about survival now, but a revival in stake. With devices just thrown in like a toy-store, designer have lots to think and rather play with it - never I would think it was exciting as now! I rather believe its upping as a trend - where soon digital life will be part of your self in a decade's time. Once again - when such a rapid stage shakes you up, now and then, Would all your processes, frameworks and methodologies need to just be static? One of it, Delivering Wireframes or Prototypes!

We highly bank on HTML to show us interface behavior of micro-interactions and details. Now we need to think of cross-channel devices or atleast one-to-many devices. But always showcasing design through Static Prototype is pretty slicing all your abilities by half. It never means, we made our best effort to think in three states or few desirable states of transition - but rather chosen a way to replicate the static flows in multiple diagrams. Limited exploration of certain tools like Axure, Powerpoint, Fireworks, Flash and few other open source tools showcase interaction flow, rather no straight foward approach! But, it never been so lucid and easy or natural to create an Active Prototype or a perfect tool to create rich interfaces in blink of an eye! Interactive Prototyping has covered basic flows, manageable task but not encased rich interactive flows seamlessly - Imagine a way to discover powerful interaction flow that has got myriad ways to be creative.

Its high time where things are getting highly demanding, exploding & enticing to get on with Active Prototyping bandwagon, and if so been Stuck Passively with the non-interactive modes. Its never meaningful to be unnatural messing around with static tools (even with inclusion of tools like Axure), when time is ripe to use, explore and deliver with a far better tool like Muse,, Indigo Studio (newest to arrive). Active Prototyping will correlate with the need to stand with expectations of rich design and to capture micro-interactions - which ideally helps project members, client and design community. But is this enough, a marriage between Powerpoint animation techniques that when overlaps with interaction software is a greater bet, which is just intuitive and easy.

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